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Gentle Coaching

“So, do you make people throw things out?” I get this question from time to time when people first hear that I am a professional organizer. The answer is a flat out “No.” Nobody wants to be made to throw their items away. That is not what POs do. Do we ask questions about various  items? Yes. Do we do A LOT of listening. Absolutely. Is there some coaching done along the way. You bet. But by the time someone works up the nerve to call and ask for help, they already know something has to change.

So many people are ashamed of the condition of their house. They have either told themselves, or have been told by others, that “they really should be better at keeping their house in order.” This breaks my heart. I hate for anyone to get down on themselves because of their home.

This is where gentle coaching comes into play. Organizing is a series of decisions for the client. Often these are decisions they have been putting off, curtesy of our old friends, “Perfectionism and Procrastination.” (Remember, clutter is just delayed decisions.) POs are like strength coaches. It’s our job to walk along side the client as they strengthen their decision-making muscles. That’s why we don’t start with the 1000 lb. weights of sentimental items. We start easy with expired cans in the kitchen pantry, or clothes with holes or stains. As the confidence grows, so does the pace, which leads to visible outcomes. And that's the ultimate reward!

"Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen." Pete Carroll

Do I make people throw things out? Nope. Do I aid in their confidence to toss/donate/recycle? Yes, indeed. If you are ready for a grace-filled, gentle coaching, either in-person or virtually, let me know. I’d be honored to walk that road with you.

Laura ~ your organizing girlfriend (and coach)

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